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<title>modifiers (lesson 3)</title>
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<h1 class="title">
lesson 3 -
<span style="vertical-align: -50%" class="title-emphasis">modifiers</span>
<h2 class="title box-title">vocab</h2>
<div class="box">
<p>󱤨 lili - little, small, short; few; a bit; young</p>
<p>󱤼 mute - many, a lot, more, much, several, very; quantity</p>
<p>󱤂 ala - no, not, zero; nothing</p>
<p>󱥁 ni - that, this</p>
<p>󱥵 wawa - strong, powerful; confident, sure, energetic, intense</p>
<p>󱥶 weka - absent, away, ignored</p>
<p>󱤘 ken - be allowed to, can, may; possible</p>
<h2 class="title box-title">lesson</h2>
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">~ modifiers</h3>
<div class="box box-top">
<p>modifiers go after the word they're modifying</p>
<p class="quote">
<span class="sentence"
><span class="subject">soweli</span>
<span class="predicate">lili</span></span
><br />~ <span class="predicate">small</span>
<span class="subject">animal</span>
<p>to do possessive, you modify the word with a pronoun</p>
<p class="quote">
<span class="sentence"
><span class="subject">soweli</span>
<span class="predicate">lili</span>
<span class="object">mi</span></span
><br />~ <span class="object">my</span>
<span class="predicate">small</span> <span class="subject">animal</span>
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">~ notes</h3>
<div class="box">
keep in mind that if you modify mi or sina, you need to use li
<p class="quote">
<span class="sentence">mi mute li wawa</span> <br />~ we are strong
(remember - number rarely needs to be specified, so this could just be
"mi wawa" instead)
<h2 class="title box-title">exercises</h2>
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">
~ translate from toki pona to english
<div class="box box-top">
<summary class="sentence">ken mute</summary>
<p>many possibilities</p>
<summary class="sentence">soweli wawa li lili ala</summary>
<p>the strong animal is not small</p>
<summary class="sentence">ona li jan ike</summary>
<p>they're a bad person</p>
<summary class="sentence">weka sina li ike</summary>
<p>i don't like when you're away (your absence is bad)</p>
<summary class="sentence">ni li pona ala</summary>
<p>this is not good</p>
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">
~ translate from english to toki pona
<div class="box box-top">
<summary class="sentence">small animals are really cute!</summary>
<p>soweli lili li suwi mute!</p>
<summary class="sentence">bats are capable</summary>
<p>waso li ken</p>
<summary class="sentence">the children are gone</summary>
<p>jan lili li weka</p>
<summary class="sentence">my strength is okay</summary>
<p>wawa mi li pona lili</p>
<summary class="sentence">lots of people speak toki pona</summary>
<p>jan mute li toki pona</p>
<summary class="sentence">
the children, who are away, are playing nicely
<p>jan lili weka li musi pona</p>
<h2 class="title box-title">navigation</h2>
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