lesson 3 - modifiers


󱤨 lili - little, small, short; few; a bit; young

󱤼 mute - many, a lot, more, much, several, very; quantity

󱤂 ala - no, not, zero; nothing

󱥁 ni - that, this

󱥵 wawa - strong, powerful; confident, sure, energetic, intense

󱥶 weka - absent, away, ignored

󱤘 ken - be allowed to, can, may; possible


~ modifiers

modifiers go after the word they're modifying

soweli lili
~ small animal

to do possessive, you modify the word with a pronoun

soweli lili mi
~ my small animal

~ notes

keep in mind that if you modify mi or sina, you need to use li afterwards

mi mute li wawa
~ we are strong

(remember - number rarely needs to be specified, so this could just be "mi wawa" instead)


~ translate from toki pona to english

ken mute

many possibilities

soweli wawa li lili ala

the strong animal is not small

ona li jan ike

they're a bad person

weka sina li ike

i don't like when you're away (your absence is bad)

ni li pona ala

this is not good

~ translate from english to toki pona

small animals are really cute!

soweli lili li suwi mute!

bats are capable

waso li ken

the children are gone

jan lili li weka

my strength is okay

wawa mi li pona lili

lots of people speak toki pona

jan mute li toki pona

the children, who are away, are playing nicely

jan lili weka li musi pona


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