
139 lines
3.8 KiB

use std::hash::Hash;
use aide::axum::{
routing::{get_with, post_with},
use axum::{extract::Query, http::StatusCode, Json};
use cached::proc_macro::cached;
use schemars::JsonSchema;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use sqlx::FromRow;
mod description;
mod kind;
mod names;
mod position;
mod size;
pub fn routes() -> ApiRouter {
post_with(discover, |docs| {
docs.response::<200, Json<Star>>()
.summary("add a new planet")
get_with(chart, |docs| {
docs.response::<200, Json<Vec<Protostar>>>()
.summary("the whole chart")
get_with(visit, |docs| {
docs.response::<200, Json<Star>>()
.summary("visit a single planet")
|docs| docs,
/// this gets stored in the db,
/// the other stuff is generated using
/// the id as a seed
#[derive(Serialize, FromRow, Clone, Deserialize, JsonSchema, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Protostar {
pub id: i32,
/// hex code of the stars color
pub color: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, JsonSchema, Clone)]
pub struct Star {
pub core: Protostar,
pub position: position::Position,
pub kind: kind::Kind,
pub name: String,
pub description: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, JsonSchema)]
pub struct DiscoveryLog {
pub color: String,
impl Into<Star> for Protostar {
fn into(self) -> Star {
star_from_seed( as u64, self.clone())
fn star_from_seed(seed: u64, protostar: Protostar) -> Star {
let mut rng = fastrand::Rng::with_seed(seed);
let range = 0..u64::MAX;
let kind = kind::Kind::random(rng.u64(range.clone()));
Star {
core: protostar.clone(),
position: position::Position::random(rng.u64(range.clone())),
name: format!("{}-{}", names::random_name(rng.u64(range.clone())), seed,).into(),
description: protostar.generate_description(&kind, rng.u64(range.clone())),
/// discover a new star in the solar system
async fn discover(Json(log): Json<DiscoveryLog>) -> Result<Json<Star>, StatusCode> {
let query = "INSERT INTO stars (color) VALUES ($1) RETURNING id, color";
let protostar: Protostar = sqlx::query_as(query)
let star: Star = protostar.into();
/// show all stars
async fn chart() -> Json<Vec<Star>> {
let query = "SELECT * FROM stars ORDER BY id DESC";
let protostars: Vec<Protostar> = sqlx::query_as(query)
.map(|proto| Into::<Star>::into(proto.clone()))
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, JsonSchema)]
struct VisitorData {
/// the planet to visit
planet_id: i32,
async fn visit(data: Query<VisitorData>) -> Result<Json<Star>, StatusCode> {
let query = "SELECT * FROM stars WHERE id = ($1)";
let star: Protostar = sqlx::query_as(query)
let star: Star = star.into();