#!/bin/sh # update in case i was fucking around somewhere else git pull # make a backup just in case # cp -r /etc/nixos/ ./backup # copy over all the files to /etc/nixos/ sudo cp -ru ./flake.nix ./configuration.nix ./wallpaper.png ./dunst ./helix ./rofi ./i3 ./sway ./fish ./kitty ./nvim/ ./disks.nix ./variables.nix ./programs.nix ./defaults.nix ./packages.nix ./home.nix ./services.nix ./user.nix /etc/nixos/ cp -u ./.xinitrc $HOME # build penrose and copy it to nixos folder # cd ./penrose # nix-shell --run "cargo build --release" --pure # sudo cp ./target/release/penrose-custom /etc/nixos # cd ../ # update and build my new config sudo nixos-rebuild switch --impure