let DARKMODE = window.sessionStorage.getItem("darkmode"); const BUTTON = document.getElementById('darkmode-toggle'); const BODY = document.querySelector("body"); BUTTON.addEventListener("click", switchMode); if (DARKMODE === null) { askForPreferredTheme(); } function askForPreferredTheme() { if (window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches) { DARKMODE = true; console.log("dark mode detected!") } else { DARKMODE = false; console.log("light mode detected!") } save_preferences(); } changeDisplay(); function switchMode() { DARKMODE = !DARKMODE; save_preferences(); changeDisplay(); }; function changeDisplay() { console.log(DARKMODE); if (DARKMODE == true) { switchToDark(); } else { switchToLight(); } }; function switchToLight() { BUTTON.checked = false; console.log("switched to light"); BODY.classList.remove("dark"); BODY.classList.add("light"); } function switchToDark() { BUTTON.checked = true; console.log("switched to dark"); BODY.classList.remove("light"); BODY.classList.add("dark"); } function save_preferences() { sessionStorage.setItem("darkmode", DARKMODE) console.log("darkmode preferences saved: ", DARKMODE) }