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<h1 class="title">
lesson 6 -
<span style="vertical-align: -50%" class="title-emphasis"
>the particle pi</span
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<h2 class="title box-title">vocab</h2>
<div class="box box-top">
󱤄 ale - all; abundant, countless, bountiful, every, plentiful;
abundance, everything, life, universe
<p>󱥐 pini - ago, completed, ended, finished, past</p>
<p>󱤪 lipu - flat object; book, document, card, paper, record, website</p>
<p>󱤔 kala - fish, marine animal, sea creature</p>
<p>󱤌 ijo - thing, phenomenon, object, matter</p>
<p>󱥌 pana - give, send, emit, provide, put, release</p>
<p>󱤗 kasi - plant, vegetation; herb, leaf</p>
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">~ particles</h3>
<div class="box box-top">
<p>󱥍 pi - regroups modifiers</p>
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">~ notes</h3>
<div class="box">
ijo is the most generic word. it can stand in as a placeholder for
<h2 class="title box-title">lesson</h2>
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">~ the particle pi</h3>
<div class="box box-top">
<p>pi is a really useful particle that regroups modifiers.</p>
normally, each modifier modifies the sum of all the previous words in
the phrase. the particle pi creates a second phrase which modifies the
first phrase.
<div class="quote">
<p class="sentence">
<span class="subject">ijo</span> <span class="predicate">pona</span>
<span class="object">mute</span>
~ <span class="object">many</span>
<span class="predicate">good</span>
<span class="subject">things</span>
<div class="quote">
<p class="sentence">
<span class="subject">ijo</span> pi <span class="subject">pona</span>
<span class="predicate">mute</span>
~ <span class="predicate">very</span>
<span class="subject">good</span> <span class="subject">thing</span>
in the first example, <i>mute</i> modifies <i>ijo pona</i>, while in the
second example, <i>pona mute</i> modifies <i>ijo</i>.
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">~ definition of phrase</h3>
<div class="box box-top">
when i say phrase, i mean a collection of a headnoun + modifiers, like
<i>jan</i> or <i>ilo moku</i>.
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">~ note about long phrases</h3>
<div class="box box-top">
it's a common mistake to try to cram as much information as possible
into just one phrase. try to avoid this!
if you want to be more easily understood, it's often better to describe
concepts in sentences, and then refer back to previously described
concepts with a concise phrase which makes sense with the context you
have established with previous sentences.
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">~ examples</h3>
<div class="box">
<div class="quote">
<p class="sentence">
mi toki e <span class="subject">ijo</span> pi
<span class="subject">pona</span> <span class="predicate">mute</span>
~ i talk about a <span class="predicate">very</span>
<span class="subject">good</span> <span class="subject">thing</span>
<div class="quote">
<p class="sentence">
mi toki e <span class="subject">ijo</span>
<span class="predicate">pona</span> <span class="object">mute</span>
~ i talk about <span class="object">many</span>
<span class="predicate">good</span>
<span class="subject">things</span>
<div class="quote">
<p class="sentence">
mi toki e <span class="subject">ijo</span>
<span class="predicate">mute</span> pi
<span class="subject">pona</span> <span class="predicate">mute</span>
~ i talk about <span class="predicate">many</span>
<span class="subject">things</span> which are
<span class="predicate">very</span> <span class="subject">good</span>
<h2 class="title box-title">exercises</h2>
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">
~ translate from toki pona to english
<div class="box box-top">
<summary>kasi telo li ken moku</summary>
<p>seaweed is edible</p>
<summary>soweli li pana e lipu pi sona mute</summary>
<p>the animal is handing out documents with lots of knowledge</p>
jan pi sona kala li sona e ni · kala li ken moku e jan
<p>the marine biologist knows that fish can eat people</p>
<summary>ona li waso pi suwi mute</summary>
<p>they're a really cute bat</p>
<summary>jan ale li kama kala</summary>
<p>all the people are turning into fish</p>
<summary>ijo sin pi mute pona li kama</summary>
<p>a good amount of new people are coming</p>
<p>a good amount of new stuff is arriving</p>
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">
~ translate from english to toki pona
<div class="box box-top">
<summary>i'm reading the book of evil knowledge</summary>
<p>mi lukin e lipu pi sona ike</p>
<summary>the bugs built a library for books about bugs</summary>
<p>pipi li pali e tomo pi lipu pipi</p>
<summary>something is doing something to everything</summary>
<p>ijo li ijo e ale</p>
my friend who knows how to build houses is handing out documents about
<p>jan pona mi li pana e lipu pali · ona li sona pali e tomo</p>
<details class="hint">
my friend is giving building documents · he knows how to build houses
<summary>the absence of my partner makes everything bad</summary>
<p>weka pi olin mi li ike e ale</p>
<summary>nothing can fix everything</summary>
<p>ala li ken pona e ale</p>
people who are very far away are trying to eat my fish
<p>jan pi weka mute li lukin moku e kala mi</p>
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