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<h1 class="title">lesson 7 - <span style="vertical-align:-50%" class=title-emphasis>prepositions</span></h1>
<h2 class="title box-title">vocab</h2>
<div class="box box-top">
<p>󱤲 mani - money, cash, savings, wealth; large domesticated animal</p>
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">~ particles</h3>
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<p>󱤬 lon - located at, present at, real, true, existing</p>
<p>󱥩 tawa - going to, toward; for; from the perspective of; moving</p>
<p>󱥧 tan - by, from, because of; origin, cause</p>
<p>󱥖 sama - same, similar; each other; sibling, peer, fellow; as, like</p>
<p>󱤙 kepeken - to use, with, by means of</p>
<h2 class="title box-title">lesson</h2>
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">~ prepositions</h3>
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<p>lon, tawa, tan, sama, and kepeken are prepositions.</p>
<p>prepositions are used to express specific details about the predicate, like how or where. just like preverbs, prepositions can be negated by the word ala.</p>
<p><span class=sentence>mi pali lon tomo moku</span> - i work at a restaurant</p>
<p>the preposition can also be the predicate</p>
<p><span class=sentence>ona li lon tomo mi</span> - they're at my house</p>
<p>prepositions can also be used as regular words</p>
<p><span class=sentence>tawa sina li musi</span> - your movements are amusing</p>
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">~ examples</h3>
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<p><span class=sentence>mani mute li lon tomo mani</span> - there's lots of money at the bank</p>
<p><span class=sentence>jan li tawa tomo sina</span> - a person comes over to your house</p>
<p><span class=sentence>mi pali e ijo mute kepeken ilo</span> - i make lots of things with tools</p>
<p><span class=sentence>mi tawa e tomo sina</span> - i move your house</p>
<h2 class="title box-title">exercises</h2>
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">~ repetition</h3>
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<p><span class=sentence>jan mute li wile e ilo</span>
<span class="hide answers">
- <span class="zelda 1a" onclick="toggleTextClass('1a')">answer</span>
<span class="hide zelda 1a" onclick="toggleTextClass('1a')">a lot of people need a car</span></span>
<p><span class=sentence>mi wile sona e tan</span>
<span class="answers hide">
- <span class="zelda 1b" onclick="toggleTextClass('1b')">answer</span>
<span class="hide zelda 1b" onclick="toggleTextClass('1b')">i wanna know the reasons</span>
<p><span class=sentence>i want a really colourful flower</span>
<span class="hide answers">
- <span class="zelda 1c" onclick="toggleTextClass('1c')">answer</span>
<span class="hide zelda 1c" onclick="toggleTextClass('1c')">mi wile e kasi pi kule mute!</span>
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">~ translate from toki pona to english</h3>
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<p><span class=sentence>mi lukin pana e kasi tawa sina</span>
<span class="hide answers">
- <span class="zelda 2a" onclick="toggleTextClass('2a')">answer</span>
<span class="hide zelda 2a" onclick="toggleTextClass('2a')">i'm trying to give you a flower</span></span>
<p><span class=sentence>jan li awen sona e pona ona tan ni: sina toki e pona ona tawa ona</span>
<span class="answers hide">
- <span class="zelda 2b" onclick="toggleTextClass('2b')">answer</span>
<span class="hide zelda 2b" onclick="toggleTextClass('2b')">people remember how good you are because you tell them how good they are</span>
<p><span class=sentence>lipu pi wile jan li lon tomo sina</span>
<span class="hide answers">
- <span class="zelda 2c" onclick="toggleTextClass('2c')">answer</span>
<span class="hide zelda 2c" onclick="toggleTextClass('2c')">the document of the people's wishes is at your place</span>
<p><span class="sentence">jan li pali e moku pona tan soweli lili</span>
<span class="hide answers">
- <span class="zelda 2d" onclick="toggleTextClass('2d')">answer</span>
<span class="hide zelda 2d" onclick="toggleTextClass('2d')">someone makes good food because of a small animal (this is intended to be a ratatouille reference but it is very easily misread as something else)</span>
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">~ translate from english to toki pona</h3>
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<p><span class=sentence>i saw someone who looked just like you</span>
<span class="hide answers">
- <span class="zelda 3a" onclick="toggleTextClass('3a')">answer</span>
<span class="hide zelda 3a" onclick="toggleTextClass('3a')">mi lukin e jan. ona li sama sina tawa lukin</span>
<p><span class=sentence>i wanna give you money</span>
<span class="hide answers">
- <span class="zelda 3b" onclick="toggleTextClass('3b')">answer</span>
<span class="hide zelda 3b" onclick="toggleTextClass('3b')">mi wile pana e mani tawa sina</span>
<p><span class=sentence>people work for bad reasons</span>
<span class="hide answers">
- <span class="zelda 3c" onclick="toggleTextClass('3c')">answer</span>
<span class="hide zelda 3c" onclick="toggleTextClass('3c')">jan li pali tan tan ike</span>
<p><span class=sentence>i can learn a lot of things with books</span>
<span class="hide answers">
- <span class="zelda 3d" onclick="toggleTextClass('3d')">answer</span>
<span class="hide zelda 3d" onclick="toggleTextClass('3d')">mi ken kama sona e ijo mute kepeken lipu</span>
<h3 class="box-title title sub-title"><a href="answers">~ answers page</a></h3>
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