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<h1 class="title">lesson 5 - <span style="vertical-align:-50%" class=title-emphasis>answers</span></h1>
<h3 class="title box-title">one for each preverb</h3>
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<p>i try to build good tools</p>
<p>they wanna eat bugs</p>
<p>people learn to speak toki pona</p>
<p>birds know how to be birds</p>
<p>the cute bird still wants a bug</p>
<p>animals can eat you 😱</p>
<h3 class="title box-title">repetition</h3>
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<p>mi awen e sina</p>
<p>the person brings food</p>
<p>ilo ni li wawa e pipi</p>
<p>i wish that you see good bugs</p>
<h3 class="title box-title">translate from toki pona to english</h3>
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<p>we can stay strong</p>
<p>their absence empowers the people</p>
<p>tools can't kill</p>
<p>the bat is making a phone (lit. communication device)</p>
<p>people make me want to remain an animal</p>
<h3 class="title box-title">translate from english to toki pona</h3>
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<p>mi wile kama sona toki pona / mi wile kama sona e toki pona</p>
<p>mi ken ala lukin e ni</p>
<p>pona sina li ken pona e tomo kule</p>
<p>mi lukin e ni: sina pona e tomo mi / sina pona e tomo mi. mi lukin e ni.</p>
<p>mi lukin lukin e ilo lukin mi</p>
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