lesson 12 - anu (it's fucked up)


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󱤋 esun - market, shop, fair, bazaar, business transaction

󱤛 kiwen - hard object, metal, rock, stone

󱥱 utala - battle, challenge, compete against, struggle against

󱤿 nasin - way, custom, doctrine, method, path, road

󱥜 sike - round or circular thing; ball, circle, cycle, sphere, wheel; of one year

~ particles

󱤇 anu - or


~ why is anu fucked up?

the particle anu isn't defined very well. lipu pu documents it barely, and many other courses gloss over really trying to explain anu.

i'm gonna do my best to give a good explanation.

~ anu

anu is a conjunction meaning "or", both inclusive and exclusive. it's a particle which forms an either/or or an and/or relationship in the current part of speech (subject, predicate, object, preposition)

~ examples

ona li jan anu soweli

~ they're a person or a dog

waso li ken tawa lon ma anu sewi

~ birds can move on the ground or in the sky

kasi anu suwi li ken moku

~ plants or sweets can be food

~ notes about questions

anu does not automatically mark a question, although it might also be used for questions. it's another area where it's poorly documented, so a lot of people do different things.

one way to use anu for questions might be to list the possible options, and then ask which option the listener agrees with.

waso anu soweli li ken · seme li pona mute tawa sina

~ do you like birds or cats more?

~ birds or cats are possible. which do you like more?


~ translate from toki pona to english

mi wile esun e kiwen

i want to buy rocks

i want to sell rocks

ijo li wile kama jo e ijo kepeken mani anu utala

people need to obtain things using money or violence

sina ken utala e soweli mute anu soweli wawa · sina wile utala e seme

do you want to fight a lot of animals or a strong animal

you can fight many animals or a strong animal. which do you want to fight?

~ translate from english to toki pona

birds draw using rocks or tools

waso li sitelen kepeken kiwen anu ilo

you can put this in the box of money or the box of food

sina ken pana e ni tawa poki mani anu poki moku


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