lesson 4 - objects eh?


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󱤮 lukin - eye; look at, see, examine, observe, read, watch; look for, seek

󱤞 kule - colourful, pigmented, painted

󱥉 pali - do, take action on, work on; build make, prepare

󱥭 tomo - indoor space; building, home, house, room

󱥪 telo - water, liquid, fluid, wet substance; beverage

󱤶 moku - to eat, drink, consume, swallow, ingest

󱥅 olin - love, have compassion for, respect, show affection to

~ particles

󱤉 e - marks the direct object

~ notes

pali is not a general do like in english. every word in toki pona has the act of doing built into it when used as a verb.

i did this

~ mi ni


~ direct objects

you use the particle e to indicate the direct object, the one being affected by the predicate.

subject li predicate e direct object

jan li pali e tomo

~ the people are building a house

~ complex ideas

when you want to express more complex ideas, you should often split it up into several sentences.

you use the words ni or ona to refer to ideas you've already said or are going to say. ni is a bit broader than ona.

i saw the person who's building the house

~ mi lukin e jan · ona li pali e tomo

~ i saw a person. they were building a house

mi lukin e ni · sina olin e mi

i see this: you love me

~ examples

moku ni li wawa e jan

~ this food strengthens people

lukin sina li suwi e mi

~ your gaze makes me cute

~ your look cute-ifys me

jan li musi ike e soweli lili

~ the person is poorly entertaining the small animals

ona li pali wawa e musi

~ they are confidently making games

waso li lukin e ni · soweli sina li sin

~ the bird sees that your pet is new

~ note about punctuation

toki pona has no defined punctuation. anything is valid.

often, when using ni to refer to an idea in the next sentence, people use a colon, but the colon doesn't add any semantic meaning and it would be okay to use a period or a line break or anything else too.

you'll notice that i chose to use an interpunct throughout this course. this is mostly to drive home the point that you can use whatever punctuation you'd like.


~ translate from toki pona to english

mi olin e sina

i love you

telo kule li pona

colourful drinks are tasty

jan ike li lukin e moku mi

an evil person is staring at my food

ona li kule mute

it's very colourful

jan pali mute li kule e tomo moku

many workers painted the restaurant

mi moku e moku sina sin

i eat your new food

~ translate from english to toki pona

i see that you're cute

mi lukin e suwi sina

mi lukin e ni · sina suwi

the animal is eating

soweli li moku

i'm entertaining the workers

mi musi e jan pali

i like this restaurant

tomo moku ni li pona

my girlfriend makes me good

olin mi li pona e mi

the lovers are eating

jan olin li moku

i allow you to eat my food

mi ken e ni · sina moku e moku mi


i allow this · you eat my food


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