lesson 18 one, two, many


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󱤽 nanpa - (ordinal number particle); numbers

󱤯 lupa - door, hole, orifice, window

󱥸 namako - embellishment, spice; extra, additional

󱤩 linja - long and flexible thing; cord, hair, rope, thread, yarn

󱤁 akesi - reptile amphibian


~ main counting system

toki pona has three words to describe numbers; wan, tu, mute
meaning one, two, many

the reason it works like this is because counting is unnecessary. often it is better to explain the quantity in question, rather than reducing it to a meaningless number.

~ ordinal numbers

you can use nanpa to express ordinal numbers

soweli nanpa tu

~ the second animal


~ repetition

~ translate from toki pona to english

~ translate from english to toki pona

psst, hey, you. yeah, you!

you feel unsatisfied with this number system? i can tell you about more number systems. just come with me


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