lesson 9 - names


󱤱 mama - parent, ancestor; creator, originator; caretaker, sustainer

󱤰 ma - earth, land; outdoors, world; country, territory; soil

󱥂 nimi - name, word

󱤦 lete - cold, cool; uncooked, raw

󱥗 seli - fire; cooking element, chemical reaction, heat source

󱤥 len - cloth, clothing, fabric, textile; cover, layer of privacy


~ names

in toki pona, proper names are treated as adjectives, with a capitalized first letter. this means that you have to pick a word which describes what the thing is, and then modify that word with the name.

~ tokiponization

names in toki pona are "tokiponized," which means fitting the name into toki pona phonotactics. the general guidelines to tokiponization are the following:

~ note aleabout inclusivity

people use lots of different headnouns in toki pona, depending on what word(s) they identify with more. for example, i use soweli as my headnoun!

keep this in mind when speaking toki pona!
for example, since not everyone is a jan, it doesn't make sense to translate "everyone" as "jan ale", instead you should translate it as something like "ijo ale" or just "ale"

basically - don't use jan if you're not actually sure you're referring to a jan!

~ examples

my name, tess, turns into soweli Tesa!
technically, my name should be Te, but the s in my name felt important to include, so it's Tesa instead!

my cat, tiara, is soweli Sijala!
the r in her name turns into an l because i tap my r's, and the ti turns into si.

a person named Elizabeth could be jan Elisape


~ repetition

~ translate from toki pona to english

~ translate from english to toki pona


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