lesson 10 - a!


󱤤 lawa - head, mind; to control, direct, guide, lead, own, plan, regulate, rule

󱤟 kulupu - community, company, group, nation, society, tribe

󱤾 nasa - unusual, strange; silly; drunk, intoxicated

󱥾 tonsi - non-binary, gender-non-conforming

~ particle

󱤀 a - (emphasis, emotion, or confirmation)


~ a!

a is an emotion particle! you can put it after a word to intensify the word, put it after a sentence to intensify the sentence

put it on its own to indicate something like ah, oh!, or some other emotion sound

often more than three a's indicates laughter

~ examples

a a a
~ hahaha

a, sina sona pona
~ ah, you know well


~ repetition

~ translate from toki pona to english

~ translate from english to toki pona


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