lesson 19 and


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󱥇 open - begin, start; open; turn on

󱥊 palisa - long hard thing; branch, rod, stick

󱥯 unpa - have sexual relations with

󱥃 noka - foot, leg, organ of locomotion

󱤚 kili - fruit, vegetable, mushroom

󱤳 meli - woman, female, feminine person; wife

󱤵 mije - man, male, masculine person; husband

~ particles

󱤊 en - (between additional subjects)


~ how to say and

to say and, you repeat the particle. for subjects you say the particle en.

this means you repeat en for subjects, li for predicates, e for direct objects, and repeat the preposition for multiple prepositional phrases.

~ examples

jan en soweli li tawa li pali kepeken noka kepeken ilo

~ the person and the dog is walking and working using legs and tools


~ translate from toki pona to english

mi en sina li ken ijo ale

me and you can do anything

ona li tawa suli kepeken noka

they are going far with their legs

waso o · o pana e palisa ni tawa mi

hey bird, give me that stick

a kon li lete mute

oh the wind is cold

~ translate from english to toki pona

this community does not need a leader

kulupu ni li wile e lawa ala

what's the meaning of this word?

kon pi nimi ni li seme

hey, give me that tasty fruit over there

o pana e kili pona lon ni tawa mi

hold on. is this almost the end of the course?

o awen · pini pi lipu sona ni li lon poka anu seme


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