lesson 11 - questions?


󱤺 mun - moon, night sky object, star

󱤆 ante - different, altered, changed, other

󱥠 sitelen - image, picture, representation, symbol, mark, writing

󱥓 poki - container, bag, bowl, box, cup, cupboard, drawer, vessel

󱥈 pakala - botched, broken, damaged, harmed, messed up

󱤓 jo - to have, carry, contain, hold

󱥥 supa - horizontal surface, thing to put or rest something on

~ question word

󱥙 seme - (indicates missing information in a question)

~ notes

jo is not the same as english's general to have

"i have a lot of work" is not "mi jo e pali mute"

i have a lot of work

~ mi wile pali mute


there are two ways to ask yes/no questions, and one way to ask an open-ended one

~ verb ala verb

to ask yes or no questions, you repeat the first word in the predicate or preverb by saying word ala word

to answer a question like this you repeat the word for yes, and say ala or word ala for no.

sina wile ala wile pali?

~ do you want to work?

wile / ala

~ yes / no

jan ni li suwi ala suwi tawa sina?

~ is this person cute in your opinion?

suwi / suwi ala

~ yes / no

~ anu seme?

you can also form yes/no questions by appending "anu seme?" to the end. (lesson 12 will cover the word anu)

they are answered the same way as verb ala verb questions, by either repeating the word, or saying ala.

if you're unsure of which word to repeat, you could also just say a sentence

sina moku anu seme?

~ do you eat?

moku / ala

~ yes / no

ona li jan poka sina anu seme?

~ are they your friend?

ona li jan poka mi

~ they are my friend

~ open-ended questions

open-ended questions are formed by making a normal sentence and putting the word seme where the missing information would go.

if you have phrased the question correctly, the responder should be able to replace the word seme with the answer.

sina seme?

~ what are you doing? / who are you?

mi pakala e ijo / mi soweli Tesa

~ i break things / i'm tess

seme li lon supa?

~ what's on the table?

len jaki

~ dirty clothes

soweli Sijala li lon seme?

~ where is tiara?

ona li lon insa pi poki kala!

~ she is inside the aquarium!


~ repetition

~ translate from toki pona to english

~ translate from english to toki pona


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