commit 88acd9ef3f8f58f7684b3a16e7a0e9540499e3ed Author: tess Date: Sat May 28 12:31:42 2022 +0200 yay diff --git a/0.html b/0.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db47915 --- /dev/null +++ b/0.html @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ + + + + + ~sounds (lesson 0)~ + + + + + + +

lesson 0 - sounds

+ +

toki pona has 14 letters in its alphabet:


a e i k j l m n o p s t u w


all the letters are pronounced like in the IPA. because of the small amount of letters, it's okay if your pronounciation isn't exactly identical to the IPA


for example /dogi bona/ and /toki pona/ are both valid pronounciations of *toki pona*

+ +

general guide to pronounciation




a - like a in father


e - like e in let


i - like ee in bee


o - like o in on


u - like oo in soon

+ +



most of the consonants are just like english, except j.


j is pronounced like y in english yellow

+ +



you always stress the first syllable of every word.

+ + +


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lesson 1 - answers

+ +

translate from toki pona to english


i'm cute


you're good


hello! i'm new

+ +

translate from english to toki pona


mi toki


mi sina

+ +

back to lesson

+ +


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lesson 1 - me and you

+ +



󱤴 mi - first-person pronoun (i, me, we, us)


󱥞 sina - second-person pronoun (you)


󱥦 suwi - sweet, fragrant; cute, innocent, adorable


󱥝 sin - new, fresh; additional, another, extra


󱥬 toki - communicate, say, speak, talk, use language, think; hello


󱥔 pona - good, positive, useful; friendly, peaceful; simple

+ +



~ sentences with mi or sina


the most basic sentence structure in toki pona:


mi/sina predicate


mi/sina is the subject of this sentence - the one who is doing or being


the predicate is what the subject is doing or being

+ +

~ notes


in toki pona, you don't capitalize the starts of sentences.


toki pona has no built-in tense or number.

+ +

~ examples


sina suwi - you are cute


mi toki - i/we talk/talked/are talking/are gonna talk

+ +



~ translate from toki pona to english


mi suwi + + - answer + i'm cute

+ + +

sina pona + + - answer + you're good

+ + +

toki! mi sin + + - answer + hi! i'm new

+ +
+ +

~ translate from english to toki pona


we're talking + + - answer + mi toki + + +

i'm you + + - answer + mi sina + +

+ +

~ answers page

+ +


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lesson 10 - a!

+ +



󱤤 lawa - head, mind; to control, direct, guide, lead, own, plan, regulate, rule


󱤟 kulupu - community, company, group, nation, society, tribe


󱤾 nasa - unusual, strange; silly; drunk, intoxicated


󱥾 tonsi - non-binary, gender-non-conforming

+ +

~ particle


󱤀 a - (emphasis, emotion, or confirmation)

+ +



~ a!


a is an emotion particle! you can put it after a word to intensify the word, put it after a sentence to intensify the sentence


put it on its own to indicate something like ah, oh!, or some other emotion sound


often more than three a's indicates laughter

+ +

~ examples


a a a - hahaha


a, sina sona pona - ah, you know well

+ +



~ repetition


+ + - answer + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +


~ translate from toki pona to english


+ + - answer + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

~ translate from english to toki pona


+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +


+ +
+ +

~ answers page

+ +


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+ + + diff --git a/11/index.html b/11/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..819240c --- /dev/null +++ b/11/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ + + + + + questions? (lesson 11) + + + + + + +

lesson 11 - questions?

+ +



󱤺 mun - moon, night sky object, star


󱤆 ante - different, altered, changed, other


󱥠 sitelen - image, picture, representation, symbol, mark, writing


󱥓 poki - container, bag, bowl, box, cup, cupboard, drawer, vessel


󱥈 pakala - botched, broken, damaged, harmed, messed up


󱤓 jo - to have, carry, contain, hold


󱥥 supa - horizontal surface, thing to put or rest something on

+ +

~ question word


󱥙 seme - (indicates missing information in a question)

+ +

~ notes


jo is not the same as english's general to have


i have a lot of work != mi jo e pali mute


i have a lot of work = mi wile pali mute

+ +



there are two ways to ask yes/no questions, and one way to ask an open-ended one


~ verb ala verb


to ask yes or no questions, you repeat the first word in the predicate or preverb by saying word ala word


to answer a question like this you repeat the word for yes, and say ala or word ala for no.


sina wile ala wile pali? - do you want to work?
+ wile / ala - yes / no


jan ni li suwi ala suwi tawa sina? - is this person cute in your opinion?
+ suwi / suwi ala - yes / no

+ +

~ anu seme?


you can also form yes/no questions by appending "anu seme?" to the end. (lesson 12 will cover the word anu)


they are answered the same way as verb ala verb questions, by either repeating the word, or saying ala.


if you're unsure of which word to repeat, you could also just say a sentence


sina moku anu seme? - do you eat?
+ moku / ala - yes / no


ona li jan poka sina anu seme? - are they your friend?
+ ona li jan poka mi - they are my friend

+ +

~ open-ended questions


open-ended questions are formed by making a normal sentence and putting the word seme where the missing information would go.


if you have phrased the question correctly, the responder should be able to replace the word seme with the answer.


sina seme? - what are you doing? / who are you?
+ mi pakala e ijo / mi soweli Tesa - i break things / i'm tess


seme li lon supa? - what's on the table?
+ len jaki - dirty clothes


soweli Sijala li lon seme? - where is tiara?
+ ona li lon insa pi poki kala! - she is inside the aquarium!

+ +



~ repetition


+ + - answer + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +


~ translate from toki pona to english


+ + - answer + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

~ translate from english to toki pona


+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +


+ +
+ +

~ answers page

+ +


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lesson 2 - answers

+ +

translate from toki pona to english


they're a bird


people are playing

+ +

translate from english to toki pona


ike li ike


suwi li pona


musi li pona

+ +

back to lesson

+ +


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lesson 2 - the particle li

+ +


+ +

󱥆 ona - third-person pronoun (he/she/it/they)


󱤻 musi - artistic, entertaining, frivolous, playful, recreation


󱤑 jan - human being, person


󱤍 ike - bad, negative; non-essential, irrelevant


󱥢 soweli - animal, beast, land mammal


󱥴 waso - bird, flying creature, winged animal


~ particle


󱤧 li - marks the predicate

+ +



~ sentences without mi or sina


we covered sentences with only mi or sina as the subject, but for sentences with any other word as the subject, it's different


in this case, you use the particle li to introduce the predicate: +

subject li predicate

+ +

~ examples


ona li suwi - they are cute


waso li waso - birds are birds

+ +



~ translate from toki pona to english


ona li waso + + - answer + they're a bird +

+ +

jan li musi + + - answer + people are playing +

+ +

~ translate from english to toki pona


evil is bad + + - answer + ike li ike +

+ +

sweets are great + + - answer + suwi li pona +

+ +

i like movies + + - answer + musi li pona +

+ +

~ answers page

+ +


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lesson 3 - answers

+ +

translate from toki pona to english


many possibilities


the strong animal is not small


they're a bad person


i don't like when you're away (lit. your absence is bad)


this is not good

+ +

translate from english to toki pona


soweli lili li suwi mute


waso li ken


jan lili li weka


wawa mi li pona lili


jan mute li toki pona


jan lili weka li musi pona

+ +

back to lesson

+ +


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lesson 3 - modifiers

+ +



󱤨 lili - little, small, short; few; a bit; young


󱤼 mute - many, a lot, more, much, several, very; quantity


󱤂 ala - no, not, zero; nothing


󱥁 ni - that, this


󱥵 wawa - strong, powerful; confident, sure, energetic, intense


󱥶 weka - absent, away, ignored


󱤘 ken - be allowed to, can, may; possible

+ +



~ modifiers


modifiers go after the word they're modifying


soweli lili - small animal


to do possessive, you modify the word with a pronoun


soweli lili mi - my small animal

+ +

~ notes


keep in mind that if you modify mi or sina, you need to use li afterwards


mi mute li wawa - we are strong


(remember - number rarely needs to be specified, so this could just be "mi wawa" instead)

+ +



~ translate from toki pona to english


ken mute + + - answer + many possibilities +

+ +

soweli wawa li lili ala! + + - answer + the strong animal is not small! + +

+ +

ona li jan ike + + - answer + they're a bad person + +

+ +

weka sina li ike + + - answer + i don't like when you're away (lit. your absense is bad) + +

+ +

ni li pona ala + + - answer + this is not good + +

+ +

~ translate from english to toki pona


small animals are really cute! + + - answer + soweli lili li suwi mute! + +

+ +

bats are capable + + - answer + waso li ken + +

+ +

the children are gone + + - answer + jan lili li weka + +

+ +

my strength is okay + + - answer + wawa mi li pona lili + +

+ +

lots of people speak toki pona + + - answer + jan mute li toki pona + +

+ +

the children, who are away, are playing nicely + + - answer + jan lili weka li musi pona + +

+ +

~ answers page

+ +


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lesson 3 - answers

+ +



it's very colourful


colourful drinks are tasty


tomo moku ni li pona


jan olin li moku

+ +

translate from toki pona to english


i love you


an evil person is staring at my food


the confident bird ate a bug that built a house


many workers painted the restaurant


i eat your food again

+ +

translate from english to toki pona


mi lukin e ni: sina suwi. / sina suwi. mi lukin e ni.


soweli li moku


mi musi e jan pali


olin mi li pona e mi


mi ken e ni: sina moku e moku mi / sina moku e moku mi. mi ken e ni.

+ +

back to lesson

+ +


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lesson 4 - objects eh?

+ +



󱤮 lukin - eye; look at, see, examine, observe, read, watch; look for, seek


󱤞 kule - colourful, pigmented, painted


󱥉 pali - do, take action on, work on; build make, prepare


󱥭 tomo - indoor space; building, home, house, room


󱥪 telo - water, liquid, fluid, wet substance; beverage


󱤶 moku - to eat, drink, consume, swallow, ingest


󱥅 olin - love, have compassion for, respect, show affection to


~ particles


󱤉 e - marks the direct object


~ notes


pali is not a general do like in english. every word in toki pona has the act of doing built into it when used as a verb.


i did this - mi ni,
+ not mi pali e ni

+ +



~ direct objects


you use the particle e to indicate who is being affected by the subject's action (the predicate)


subject li predicate e direct object +

jan li pali e tomo - the people are building a house

+ +

~ complex ideas


when you want to express more complex ideas, you should often split it up into several sentences.


i saw the person who's building the house -
mi lukin e jan. ona li pali e tomo.
(i saw a person. they were building a house.)


you can also use the word ni to refer to an idea from a previous sentence, or to indicate you will elaborate on an idea in a future sentence. you can also use the word ona similarly, but for words instead of ideas.

+ +

~ note about punctuation


toki pona has no defined punctuation. anything is valid


often, when using ni to refer to an idea in the next sentence, people use a colon, but the colon doesn't add any semantic meaning and it would be okay to use a period or a line break or anything else too.

+ +



~ repetition


ona li kule mute + + - answer + it's very colourful +

+ +

telo kule li pona + + - answer + colourful drinks are tasty + +

+ +

i like this restaurant + + - answer + tomo moku ni li pona + +

+ +

the lovers are eating + + - answer + jan olin li moku + +


~ translate from toki pona to english


mi olin e sina + + - answer + i love you +

+ +

jan ike li lukin e moku mi + + - answer + an evil person is staring at my food + +

+ +

waso wawa li moku e pipi ni: ona li pali e tomo lili + + - answer + the confident bird ate the bug that built a small house + +

+ +

jan pali mute li kule e tomo moku + + - answer + many workers painted the restaurant + +

+ +

mi moku sin e moku sina + + - answer + i eat your food again + +

+ +

~ translate from english to toki pona


i see that you're cute + + - answer + mi lukin e ni: sina suwi / mi lukin e sina. sina suwi. + +

+ +

the animal is eating + + - answer + soweli li moku + +

+ +

i'm entertaining the workers + + - answer + mi musi e jan pali + +

+ +

my girlfriend makes me good + + - answer + olin mi li pona e mi + +

+ +

i allow you to eat my food + + - answer + mi ken e ni: sina moku e moku mi / sina moku e moku mi. mi ken e ni. + +

+ +
+ +

~ answers page

+ +


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lesson 5 - answers

+ +

one for each preverb


i try to build good tools


they wanna eat bugs


people learn to speak toki pona


birds know how to be birds


the cute bird still wants a bug


animals can eat you 😱

+ +



mi awen e sina


the person brings food


ilo ni li wawa e pipi


i wish that you see good bugs

+ +

translate from toki pona to english


we can stay strong


their absence empowers the people


tools can't kill


the bat is making a phone (lit. communication device)


people make me want to remain an animal

+ +

translate from english to toki pona


mi wile kama sona toki pona / mi wile kama sona e toki pona


mi ken ala lukin e ni


pona sina li ken pona e tomo kule


mi lukin e ni: sina pona e tomo mi / sina pona e tomo mi. mi lukin e ni.


mi lukin lukin e ilo lukin mi

+ +

back to lesson

+ +


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lesson 5 - preverbs

+ +



󱥑 pipi - bug, insect, ant, spider


󱤷 moli - dead, dying


󱤎 ilo - tool, implement, machine, device


~ preverbs


󱤖 kama - arriving, coming, future, summoned; (pv.) to become, manage, to, succeed in


󱥷 wile - must, need, require, should, want, wish; (pv.) to want to, to need to


󱤈 awen - enduring, kept, protected, safe, waiting, staying; (pv.) to continue to, to keep


󱥡 sona - know, be skilled in, be wise about, have information on; (pv.) to know how to


󱤘 ken - be allowed to, can, may; possible; (pv.) to be able to


󱤮 lukin - eye; look at, see, examine, observe, read, watch; look for, seek; (pv.) try to


~ notes


words have different meanings when used as preverbs and otherwise. the preverb meaning of a word is marked with (pv.)


there are two words you already know on this list, ken and lukin, but their preverb meanings are new.

+ +



~ preverbs


preverbs go before the predicate and modify it.


they can be negated by the word ala, and otherwise you can't modify can also use multiple preverbs at once


subject li preverb predicate (e object) +

+ +

~ examples


mi ken ala moli e pipi - i can't kill the bug


jan li wile ala moku e pipi - people don't wanna eat bugs


sina ken kama pona - you can become good +

+ +



~ one for each preverb


mi lukin pali e ilo pona + + - answer + i try to build good tools +

+ +

ona li wile moku e pipi + + - answer + they wanna eat bugs + +

+ +

jan li kama sona toki pona + + - answer + people learn to speak toki pona + +

+ +

waso li sona waso + + - answer + birds know how to be birds + +


waso suwi li awen wile e pipi + + - answer + the cute bird still wants a bug + +


soweli li ken moku e sina 😱 + + - answer + animals can eat you 😱 + +


~ repetition


i am protecting you + + - answer + mi awen e sina +

+ +

jan li kama e moku + + - answer + the person brings food + +

+ +

this tool strengthens the bugs + + - answer + ilo ni li wawa e pipi + +

+ +

mi wile e ni: sina lukin e pipi pona + + - answer + i wish that you see good bugs + +


~ translate from toki pona to english


mi ken awen wawa + + - answer + we can stay strong +

+ +

weka ona li wawa e jan mute + + - answer + their absence empowers the people + +

+ +

ilo li ken ala moli + + - answer + tools can't kill + +

+ +

waso li pali e ilo toki + + - answer + the bat is making a phone (lit. communication device) + +

+ +

jan li pali e ni: mi wile awen soweli + + - answer + people make me want to remain an animal + +

+ +

~ translate from english to toki pona


i wanna learn toki pona + + - answer + mi wile kama sona (e) toki pona + +

+ +

i can't see that + + - answer + mi ken ala lukin e ni + +

+ +

your goodness can fix the colourful house + + - answer + pona sina li ken pona e tomo mute + +

+ +

i saw that you fixed our house + + - answer + mi lukin e ni: sina pona e tomo mi / sina pona e tomo mi. mi lukin e ni + +

+ +

i'm trying to see my glasses + + - answer + mi lukin lukin e ilo lukin mi + +

+ +
+ +

~ answers page

+ +


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lesson 5 - story

+ +

chef 󱤑󱤶


i'm a worker. my place of work is a restaurant. a lot of people call me a chef.


i make a lot of food. people eat it. they say bad things about the food


the restaurant doesn't let me work well. they want a lot of work, not good work.


i want people to know how good i am! i can make good food!


some people see me. they say "you're staring at me. i want you to go away!"


i go away. the people make me feel bad. i don't want to be a chef. i don't want to make food. people don't know how good i am

+ +

i look at a colourful room. i look at the colourful room a lot. it's nice looking.


a person speaks. "this room really makes you better!"


"it makes me feel better. people say bad things about mi. this room doesn't." +

"these bad people are small. what they have to say is small. i knowledgeable say that you're good."


"you don't know that! you don't know me!"


"i don't know you. i know your work. i eat your food a lot. it fixes me. a lot of people want a lot of work from me. your food strengthens me. this strength makes me able to do the work these people desire."


"what you said made me feel a lot better!!"


what the person said filled me with confidence. i was reminded that i can make good food!

+ +

a lot of people eat my good food. they can see i'm the one who makes the food. i know how to be confident. i work confidently. they know my strength. they know my goodness.


i still remember what the person said. it still empowers me


i'm a worker. my place of work is my restaurant!

+ +

toki pona version


back to lesson

+ +


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lesson 5 - story

+ +

jan moku 󱤑󱤶


mi jan pali. tomo pali mi li tomo moku. jan mute li toki e ni: mi jan moku.


mi pali e moku mute. jan li moku e ona. ona li toki e ike moku.


tomo moku li ken ala e pali pona mi. ona li wile e pali mute. ona li wile e pali pona ala.


wile mi li ni: jan li sona e pona mi! mi ken pali e moku pona!


jan li lukin e mi. ona li toki e ni: "sina lukin ike e mi. mi wile e ni: sina weka!"


mi weka. jan li ike e mi. mi wile ala jan moku. mi wile ala pali e moku. jan li sona ala e pona mi.

+ +

mi lukin e tomo kule. mi lukin mute e tomo kule. ona li pona lukin.


jan li toki. "tomo ni li pona mute e sina!"


"ona li pona e mi. jan li toki e ike mi. tomo ni li ni ala."


"jan ike ni li lili. toki ona li lili. mi toki sona e ni: sina pona"


"sina sona ala e ni! sina sona ala e mi!"


"mi sona ala e sina. mi sona e pali sina. mi moku mute e moku sina. ona li pona e mi. jan mute li wile e pali mute mi. moku sina li wawa e mi. wawa ni li pali e ni: mi ken pali e wile jan.


"toki sina li pona mute e mi!!"


toki jan li wawa e mi. mi kama sona sin e ni: mi ken pali e moku pona!

+ +

jan mute li moku e moku pona mi. ona li lukin e ni: mi pali e moku. mi sona wawa. mi pali wawa. ona li sona e wawa mi. ona li sona e pona mi.


mi awen sona e toki jan. toki ni li awen wawa e mi.


mi jan pali pona. tomo pali mi li tomo moku mi!

+ +

english version


back to lesson

+ +


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lesson 6 - the particle pi

+ +



󱤄 ale - all; abundant, countless, bountiful, every, plentiful; abundance, everything, life, universe


󱥐 pini - ago, completed, ended, finished, past


󱤪 lipu - flat object; book, document, card, paper, record, website


󱤔 kala - fish, marine animal, sea creature


󱤌 ijo - thing, phenomenon, object, matter


󱥌 pana - give, send, emit, provide, put, release


󱤗 kasi - plant, vegetation; herb, leaf


~ particles


󱥍 pi - regroups modifiers


~ notes


ijo is the most generic word. it can stand in as a placeholder for anything.

+ +



~ the particle pi


pi is a really useful particle that regroups modifiers.


normally, each modifier modifies the sum of all its previous words in the phrase. the particle pi creates a second phrase which modifies the first phrase.


ijo pona mute - many good things
+ ijo pi pona mute - very good thing


in the first example, mute modifies ijo pona, while in the second example, pona mute modifies ijo +

+ +

~ notes


when i say phrase, i mean a collection of a headnoun + modifiers, like "jan" or "ilo moku"


a phrase with pi in it consists of two smaller phrases.

+ +

~ examples


mi toki e ijo pi pona mute - i talk about very good things


mi toki e ijo pona mute - i talk about many good things


mi toki e ijo mute pi pona mute - i talk about many very good things

+ +



~ repetition


jan ale li kama kala + + - answer + all the people are turning into fish +

+ +

kasi telo li ken moku + + - answer + seaweed is edible + +

+ +

my friend who knows how to build houses is giving out documents about building + + - answer + jan pona mi ni li pana e lipu pali: ona li sona pali e tomo + +

+ +

something is making everything become something + + - answer + ijo li pali e ni: ijo ale li kama ijo + +

+ +

nothing can fix everything + + - answer + (ijo) ala li ken pona e (ijo) ale + +


~ translate from toki pona to english


soweli li pana e lipu pi sona mute + + - answer + the animal is handing out documents with lots of knowledge +

+ +

jan pi sona kala li sona e ni: kala li ken moku e jan + + - answer + the marine biologist knows that fish can eat people + +

+ +

ona li waso pi suwi mute + + - answer + they're a really cute bat + +

+ +

jan sin pi mute pona li kama + + - answer + a good amount of new people are coming + +

+ +

~ translate from english to toki pona


i'm reading the book of evil knowledge + + - answer + mi lukin e lipu pi sona ike + +

+ +

the bugs built a little bug cemetery + + - answer + pipi li pali e tomo lili pi pipi moli + +

+ +

the absence of my partner makes everything bad + + - answer + weka pi olin mi li ike e ale + +

+ +

people who are very far away are trying to eat my fish + + - answer + jan pi weka mute li lukin moku e kala mi + +


+ +
+ +

~ answers page

+ +


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+ + + diff --git a/7/index.html b/7/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6452de1 --- /dev/null +++ b/7/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ + + + + + prepositions (lesson 7) + + + + + + +

lesson 7 - prepositions

+ +



󱤲 mani - money, cash, savings, wealth; large domesticated animal


~ particles


󱤬 lon - located at, present at, real, true, existing


󱥩 tawa - going to, toward; for; from the perspective of; moving


󱥧 tan - by, from, because of; origin, cause


󱥖 sama - same, similar; each other; sibling, peer, fellow; as, like


󱤙 kepeken - to use, with, by means of

+ +



~ prepositions


lon, tawa, tan, sama, and kepeken are prepositions.


prepositions are used to express specific details about the predicate, like how or where. just like preverbs, prepositions can be negated by the word ala.


mi pali lon tomo moku - i work at a restaurant


the preposition can also be the predicate


ona li lon tomo mi - they're at my house


prepositions can also be used as regular words


tawa sina li musi - your movements are amusing

+ +

~ examples


mani mute li lon tomo mani - there's lots of money at the bank


jan li tawa tomo sina - a person comes over to your house


mi pali e ijo mute kepeken ilo - i make lots of things with tools


mi tawa e tomo sina - i move your house

+ +



~ repetition


jan mute li wile e ilo + + - answer + a lot of people need a car +

+ +

mi wile sona e tan + + - answer + i wanna know the reasons + +

+ +

i want a really colourful flower + + - answer + mi wile e kasi pi kule mute! + +


~ translate from toki pona to english


mi lukin pana e kasi tawa sina + + - answer + i'm trying to give you a flower +

+ +

jan li awen sona e pona ona tan ni: sina toki e pona ona tawa ona + + - answer + people remember how good you are because you tell them how good they are + +

+ +

lipu pi wile jan li lon tomo sina + + - answer + the document of the people's wishes is at your place + +

+ +

jan li pali e moku pona tan soweli lili + + - answer + someone makes good food because of a small animal (this is intended to be a ratatouille reference but it is very easily misread as something else) + +

+ +

~ translate from english to toki pona


i saw someone who looked just like you + + - answer + mi lukin e jan. ona li sama sina tawa lukin + +

+ +

i wanna give you money + + - answer + mi wile pana e mani tawa sina + +

+ +

people work for bad reasons + + - answer + jan li pali tan tan ike + +

+ +

i can learn a lot of things with books + + - answer + mi ken kama sona e ijo mute kepeken lipu + +


+ +
+ +

~ answers page

+ +


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lesson 8 - locative and temporal statements

+ +



~ temporal


󱥫 tenpo - time, duration, moment, occasion, period, situation +


~ locative


󱤅 anpa - bowing down, downward, humble, lowly, dependent; bottom, lower part, under, below, floor, beneath; low, lower, bottom, down


󱥒 poka - hip, side; next to, nearby, vicinity


󱤸 monsi - back, behind, rear


󱥟 sinpin - face, foremost, front, wall


󱥚 sewi - area above, highest part, something elevated; awe-inspiring, divine, sacred, supernatural

+ +



~ locative


to express relative location, use the locative words.


you can combine them with the preposition lon to say "at (place)


lon sewi - up, aboce

+ +

~ locative examples


jan li lon anpa tomo - people are under the house


waso li tawa lon sewi pi soweli sina - birds are flying above your house

+ +

~ temporal


to talk about the time, you can also use the preposition lon, and describe the time using the word tenpo

+ +

~ temporal examples


mi tawa sina lon tenpo kama - i go to you in the future


jan li pali lon tenpo ni - the person is working at that time


mi wile ala pali lon tenpo lon - i don't want to work right now


waso li tawa sewi lon tenpo ale - birds always move in the sky

+ +



~ repetition


+ + - answer + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +


~ translate from toki pona to english


+ + - answer + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

~ translate from english to toki pona


+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +


+ +
+ +

~ answers page

+ +


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lesson 9 - names

+ +



󱤱 mama - parent, ancestor; creator, originator; caretaker, sustainer


󱤰 ma - earth, land; outdoors, world; country, territory; soil


󱥂 nimi - name, word


󱤦 lete - cold, cool; uncooked, raw


󱥗 seli - fire; cooking element, chemical reaction, heat source


󱤥 len - cloth, clothing, fabric, textile; cover, layer of privacy

+ +



~ names


in toki pona, proper names are treated as adjectives, with a capitalized first letter. this means that you have to pick a word which describes what the thing is, and then modify that word with the name.

+ +

~ tokiponization


names in toki pona are "tokiponized," which means fitting the name into toki pona phonotactics. the general guidelines to tokiponization are the following:

+ +
+ +

~ note about inclusivity


people use lots of different headnouns in toki pona, depending on what word(s) they identify with more. for example, i use soweli as my headnoun!


keep this in mind when speaking toki pona!
+ for example, since not everyone is a jan, it doesn't make sense to translate "everyone" as "jan ale", instead you should translate it as something like "ijo ale" or just "ale"


basically - don't use jan if you're not actually sure you're referring to a jan!

+ +

~ examples


my name, tess, turns into soweli Tesa!
+ technically, my name should be Te, but the s in my name felt important to include, so it's Tesa instead!


my cat, tiara, is soweli Sijala!
+ the r in her name turns into an l because i tap my r's, and the ti turns into si.


a person named Elizabeth could be jan Elisape

+ +



~ repetition


+ + - answer + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +


~ translate from toki pona to english


+ + - answer + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

~ translate from english to toki pona


+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +

+ +

+ + - answer + + +


+ +
+ +

~ answers page

+ +


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lipu sona mi pi toki pona

+ +

hi! welcome to my toki pona course!


i first made this course to teach my girlfriend toki pona, because i disagree with other courses on many things and i didn't want to have to correct the courses while fae was going through them.


(the other courses are great, but i just have my personal disagreements with certain methods they teach and certain teaching methods)


however, i put a lot of work into this course, so i figured i may as well also put it out online for anyone else to use!


i tried my best to do a good compromise between my personal style and the style of pu, and i think it should be a good starting point for anyone interested in learning toki pona. ultimately, it's up to you to form your own style after you're done with this course.

+ +



this course will not make you fluent. no course out there will! toki pona may be minimalist, but it's still a complex language to learn. people spend several years before they even start considering themselves fluent, and you will probbaly be no different.


however, this course will give you a good understanding of all the important fundamentals of toki pona, so you can then go on to explore the language on your own.

+ +

the recommended way to use this course is to try your best to understand the grammar, do the exercises, and then move on to the next one when you feel comfortable with the grammar.


it's okay if you don't have all the vocabulary memorized yet, it'll come with practicing making and translating sentences

+ +

it's okay to make mistakes during and after this course - everyone does!

+ +

if you have any questions, feedback, or need help, feel free to message me on discord (soweli Tesa#5356)

+ +


+ +
+ +


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