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<h1 class="title">lesson 7 - <span style="vertical-align:-50%" class=title-emphasis>prepositions</span></h1>
<h2 class="title box-title">vocab</h2>
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<p>󱤲 mani - money, cash, savings, wealth; large domesticated animal</p>
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">~ particles</h3>
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<p>󱤬 lon - located at, present at, real, true, existing</p>
<p>󱥩 tawa - going to, toward; for; from the perspective of; moving</p>
<p>󱥧 tan - by, from, because of; origin, cause</p>
<p>󱥖 sama - same, similar; each other; sibling, peer, fellow; as, like</p>
<p>󱤙 kepeken - to use, with, by means of</p>
<h2 class="title box-title">lesson</h2>
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">~ prepositions</h3>
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<p>lon, tawa, tan, sama, and kepeken are prepositions.</p>
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<p>prepositions are used to express specific details about the predicate, like how or where. just like preverbs, prepositions can be negated by the word ala. the preposition is appended to the end of the sentence, followed by a phrase.</p>
<p class=quote><span class=subject>subject</span> li (<span class=predicate>predicate</span> e <span class=object>object</span>) <span class=prep>preposition</span> <span class=subject>phrase</span></p>
<p class=quote><span class=sentence><span class=subject>mi</span> <span class=predicate>pali</span> <span class=prep>lon</span> <span class=subject>tomo moku</span></span>
<br>~ <span class=subject>i</span> <span class=predicate>work</span> <span class=prep>at</span> <span class=subject>a restaurant</span></p>
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<p>the preposition can also be the predicate</p>
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<p class=quote><span class=sentence><span class=subject>ona</span> li <span class=prep>lon</span> <span class=subject>tomo mi</span></span>
<br>~ <span class=subject>they</span> <span class=prep>are at</span> <span class=subject>my house</span></p>
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<p>prepositions can also be used as regular words</p>
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<p class=quote><span class=sentence><span class=subject>tawa sina</span> li <span class=predicate>musi</span></span>
<br>~ <span class=subject>your movements</span> <span class=predicate>are amusing</span></p>
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<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">~ examples</h3>
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<p class=quote><span class=sentence><span class=subject>mani mute</span> li <span class=prep>lon</span> <span class=subject>tomo mani</span></span>
<br>~ there's lots of money at the bank</p>
<p class=quote><span class=sentence>jan li tawa tomo sina</span>
<br>~ a person comes over to your house</p>
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<p class=quote><span class=sentence>mi pali e ijo mute kepeken ilo</span><br>~ i make lots of things with tools</p>
<p class=quote><span class=sentence>mi tawa e tomo sina</span><br>~ i move your house</p>
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<h2 class="title box-title">exercises</h2>
<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">~ repetition</h3>
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2022-05-28 13:10:04 +00:00
<summary>jan mute li wile e ilo tawa</summary>
<p>a lot of people need a car</p>
<summary>mi wile sona e tan</summary>
<p>i wanna know the reasons</p>
<summary>i want a really colourful flower</summary>
<p>mi wile e kasi pi kule mute</p>
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<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">~ translate from toki pona to english</h3>
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2022-05-28 13:10:04 +00:00
<summary>mi lukin pana e kasi tawa sina</summary>
<p>i'm trying to give you a flower</p>
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<summary>jan li awen sona e pona sina tan ni: sina awen pana e sona ni tawa ona</summary>
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<p>people remember how good you are because you keep reminding them</p>
<summary>lipu pi wile jan li lon tomo sina</summary>
<p>the document of the people's wishes is at your place</p>
<summary>jan li pali e moku pona tan soweli lili</summary>
<p>someone makes good food because of a small animal (this is intended to be a ratatouille reference but i have missed the mark, i think. what even is ratatouille about.)</p>
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<h3 class="title box-title sub-title">~ translate from english to toki pona</h3>
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2022-05-28 13:10:04 +00:00
<summary>i saw someone who looked just like you</summary>
<p>mi lukin e jan. ona li sama sina tawa lukin</p>
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2022-05-28 13:10:04 +00:00
<summary>i wanna give you money</summary>
<p>mi wile pana e mani tawa sina</p>
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2022-05-28 13:10:04 +00:00
<summary>people work for bad reasons</summary>
<p>jan li pali tan tan ike</p>
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2022-05-28 13:10:04 +00:00
<summary>i can learn a lot of things with books</summary>
<p>mi ken kama sona e ijo mute kepeken lipu</p>
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<h2 class="title box-title">navigation</h2>
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