This commit is contained in:
tess 2022-05-02 18:52:19 +02:00
commit 22b78081bd
8 changed files with 810 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

Cargo.lock generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
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Cargo.toml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
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# See more keys and their definitions at
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nimi Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
to analyze the arrangement and connection of words in a sentence or sentence part;
to understand or explain the sense or intention of usually in a particular way or with respect to a given set of circumstances;
to construe a sentence or sentence part especially in connection with translating;
an act or the result of construing especially by piecemeal translation;
the unified control of all aspects of production from raw materials through distribution of finished products;
control gained by enforcing obedience or order, orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior;
training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character;
a field of study;
a rule or system of rules governing conduct or activity;
to punish or penalize for the sake of enforcing obedience and perfecting moral character;
to train or develop by instruction and exercise especially in self-control;
to bring (a group) under control, to impose order upon;
to become pregnant;
to cause to begin;
to take into one's mind;
to form a conception of;
to understand;
to have an opinion;
a faculty member of the highest academic rank at an institution of higher education;
a teacher at a university or college;
one that teaches or professes a special knowledge of an art;
a word or expression that has a precise meaning in some uses;
expression of a specified kind;
a limited extent of time;
the time for which something lasts;
to take to or upon oneself;
to place oneself in;
to pretend to have or be;
to take as granted or true;
to take over;
to put on;
to receive;
to take into use;
to exhibit;
to offer for sale;
to perform;
to point out;
direct attention to;
to set forth, declare, allege, plead;
to demonstrate or establish by argument or reasoning, inform, instruct;
to present for judging in a show;
to appear in a particular way, seem, appear;
to exhibit one's artistic work;
to tell someone to get out;
natural scenery;
the inherent character or basic constitution of a person or thing;
humankind's original or natural condition, a simplified mode of life resembling this condition;
a kind or class usually distinguished by fundamental essential characteristics;
the physical constitution or drives of an organism;
the genetically controlled qualities of an organism;
a creative and controlling force in the universe;
an inner force (instinct, appetite, desire) or the sum of such forces in an individual;
spontaneus attitude;
stretched tight, made taut, rigid;
feeling or showing nervous, tension, marked by strain or suspense;
produced with the muscles involved in a relatively tense state;
a distinction of form in a content word to express distinctions of time or duration of the action or state it denotes;
a set of inflectional forms of a content word that express distinctions of time;
an inflectional form of a content word expressing a specific time distinction;
to have possession or ownership of or have at one's disposal;
to have as a privilege or position of responsibility;
to have as a mark of distinction;
to keep under restraint;
to prevent free expression of;
to prevent from some action;
to keep back from use;
to delay temporarily the handling of;
to make liable or accountable or bound to an obligation;
to have or maintain in the grasp;
to support in a particular position or keep from falling or moving;
to bear the pressure of;
support, aim, point;
to prevent from leaving or getting away;
to avoid emitting or letting out;
to restrain as a captive;
to have strong appeal to;
to enclose and keep in a container or within bounds;
to be able to consume easily or without undue effect;
to have as a principal or essential feature or attribute;
to have in store;
to have in the mind or express as a judgment or opinion;
to think of in a particular way;
to cover a part of the body with one or both hands for protection or comfort;
to maintain position, refuse to give ground;
to continue in the same way or to the same degree;
intense hostility and aversion, extreme dislike or disgust;
a systematic and especially politically exploited expression of hatred;
an object of hatred;
to regard with active hostility, to have a strong aversion to;
to find very distasteful;
a large organized body of armed personnel trained for war;
a unit capable of independent action;
a great multitude, multiple, many;
a body of persons organized to advance a cause;
a lightning strike;
a wood or metal bar or rod used to fasten a door;
the part of a lock that is shot or withdrawn by the key;
a roll of cloth or wallpaper of specified length;
to move suddenly or nervously;
to move or proceed rapidly;
to break away from control or set course;
to dart off or away;
to break away from or oppose one's previous affiliation;
to secure with a bolt;
to attach or fasten with bolts;
to eat hastily or without chewing;
to say impulsively;
in an erect or straight-backed position;
a building for religious practices, a place devoted to a special purpose;
the flattened space on each side of the forehead;
one of the side supports of a pair of glasses;
the right or left part of the wall or trunk of the body;
a place or direction with respect to a center or to a line of division;
one of the longer bounding surfaces or lines of an object especially contrasted with the ends;
either surface of a thin object;
the space beside one;
an area next to something;
a slope considered as opposed to another slope;
the attitude or activity of one person or group with respect to another;
a position that is opposite to or contrasted with another;
situated on the side, of or relating to the side;
directed toward or from the side;
additional to the main portion;
to agree with, to be side by side with;
to set or put aside;
to furnish with sides or siding;
to provide with visual features intended to explain or decorate;
to make clear by giving an example, to clarify, to show clearly;
a mental grasp, comprehension;
the power to make experience intelligible by applying concepts and categories;
a mutual agreement not formally entered into but in some degree binding on each side;
friendly or harmonious relationship;
an agreement of opinion or feeling;
endowed with understanding, tolerant, sympathetic;
a child's bedroom;
something that fosters, develops, or promotes;
a place in which people are trained or educated;
a place where young animals grow or are cared for;
a means of testing;
a series of questions or exercises for measuring the skill, knowledge, intelligence, capacities, or aptitudes of an individual or group;
a procedure used to identify or characterize a substance or constituent;
a critical examination, observation, or evaluation, a basis for evaluation;
an ordeal or oath required as proof of conformity with a set of beliefs;
to put to test or proof;
to require a doctrinal oath of;
to undergo a test;
to be assigned a standing or evaluation on the basis of tests;
to apply a test as a means of analysis or diagnosis;
lacking a natural, usual, or appropriate covering;
lacking any tool or weapon;
open to view, exposed;
unfurnished or scantily supplied, destitute;
having nothing left over;
devoid of amplification or adornment;
to make or lay something bare;
one that labors;
a person who does physical work for wages;
moral principles, teachings, or conduct;
the mental and emotional condition of an individual or group;
a sense of common purpose;
the level of individual psychological well-being based on such factors a sense of purpose and confidence in the future;
the main trunk of a plant;
a plant part that supports another;
the main upright member at the bow of a ship;
the bow or prow of a ship;
a line of ancestry;
the part of an inflected word that remains after the inflected part is removed;
to make headway against something;
to check or go counter to something adverse;
to remove the stem from;
to stop or dam up;
to restrain or check oneself;
to slide the heel of one ski or of both skis outward usually in making or preparing to make a turn;
having an imperfection;
at a soft volume;
a musical instrument having steel wire strings that sound when struck by felt-covered hammers operated from a keyboard;
the process of becoming pregnant;
the capacity or process of forming or understanding ideas or abstractions or their symbols;
a general idea;
a complex product of abstract or reflective thinking;
the sum of a person's ideas and beliefs concerning something;
the originating of something in the mind;
extent or lapse of time;
an action or process of solving a problem;
the answer to a problem;
an act or the process by which a solid, liquid, or gaseous substance is homogeneously mixed with a liquid or sometimes a gas or solid;
the condition of being dissolved;
a bringing or coming to an end or into a state of discontinuity;
a book for notes;
a particularly small or light laptop;
to suffocate my submersion;
to submerge;
to soak, drench, or cover with a liquid;
to engage deeply and strenuously;
to cause a sound not to be heard by making a loud noise;
to drive out, overwhelm;
to strike something with a sharp blow;
to collide with something;
a usually enclosed wagon or motortruck used for transportation of goods or animals;
a multipurpose enclosed motor vehicle having a boxlike shape, rear, or side doors, and side panels often with windows;
emphasis, emotion or confirmation;
non-cute animal;
used to form a yes-no question;
to hunt, forage, seek;
to try to, attempt;
to continue to, to keep;
between multiple subjects;
coordinates modifiers in a pi-phrase or objects of a preposition;
thing, phenomenon, object, matter;
internal organ, stomach;
human being, person, somebody;
yellow, yellowish;
fish, marine animal, sea creature;
to produce a sound;
recite, utter aloud;
to become, manage to, succeed in;
to be able to, be allowed to, can, may, possible;
to use, with, by means of;
hard object, metal, rock, stone;
hidden reality, unseen agent;
of or relating to the LGBT+ community;
pay attention to, obey;
between the context phrase and the main sentence;
blue, green;
cover, layer of privacy;
between any subject except mi alone or sina alone and its verb;
to introduce a new verb for the same subject;
long and flexible thing;
flat object;
red, reddish;
located at, present at, real, true, existing;
affirmative response;
touch or feel physically, interact, press;
look for, seek;
to try to;
large domesticated animal;
animal noise or communication;
non-speech vocalization;
moon, night sky object, star;
glow, glowing light, light in the dark;
love, have compassion for, respect, show affection to;
turn on;
do, take action on, work on;
long hard thing;
used to divide a second noun group that describes a first noun group;
introduces a genitive noun;
an emotion, a direct experience;
along with, beside;
cooking element, chemical reaction, heat source;
outer form, outer layer;
area above, highest part, something elevated;
body of a person or animal, physical state, torso;
round or circular thing;
know, be skilled in, be wise about, have information on;
to know how to;
horizontal surface, thing to put or rest something on;
from the perspective of;
going to;
have sexual relations with;
to show contempt by turning up the nose, or by a particular facial expression;
to insinuate contempt by a covert expression;
to speak derisively;
to show mirth awkwardly;
to speak in a loud distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance;
to make a request or demand;
to utter a characteristic note or cry;
to speak to or attempt to reach someone by means of a call;
to make a demand in card games;
to make a brief visit;

nimitu.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
emphasis, emotion or confirmation; cross-like shape, intersection, overlap
non-cute animal, reptile, amphibian; general interjection, context-dependent; no, not, zero
used to form a yes-no question; nothing; to hunt, forage, seek; (pre-verb) try to, attempt
all; abundant, countless, bountiful, every, plentiful
abundance, everything, life, universe; one hundred; between the main sentence and the context phrase
bowing down, downward, humble, lowly, dependent; different, altered, changed, other
bottom, lower part, under, below, floor, beneath; or; guilt, shame, shun, stigma, disgrace
low, lower, bottom, down; choose, decide; to accuse, to single out, to expose, to dishonor, to embarrass
bump, knock, jolt; enduring, kept, protected, safe, waiting, staying; (pre-verb) to continue to, to keep
before the direct object; cross-like shape, intersection, overlap; between multiple subjects
coordinates modifiers in a pi-phrase or objects of a prepostion; space, place, distance, size
epic, cool, awesome, amazing; market, shop, fair, bazaar; beyond, exceeding, outside of, more than
business transaction; stone, gravel, rock, pebble, lava, magma; he, she, it, they
thing, phenomenon, object, matter; bad, negative; tool, implement, machine, device
non-essential, irrelevant; two; centre, content, inside, between
complicated, complex; internal organ, stomach; to think, to imagine, to believe, to remember, to recall
a thought, an idea; Schadenfreude, indirect insult or disrespect, shade
disgusting, obscene, sickly, toxic, unclean, unsanitary; one hundred; foot; yummy
eliciting or stimulating a positive sensory experience; human being, person, somebody
reflect, resound, mirror, be on the opposite/polar end of; a particular group of people; one
indicating excitement; yellow, yellowish; to have, carry, contain, hold; goose, goose noise
dream; nine; fish, marine animal, sea creature; to produce a sound; pirate noise
recite, utter aloud; arriving, coming, future, summoned; anarchy, uprising, revolt, rebellion
(pre-verb) to become, manage to, succeed in; with, among, in the company of; extrusion, protrusion, hill, mountain, button
brown, gray; plant, vegetation; acknowledgement or acceptance; possible
herb, leaf; to be able to, be allowed to, can, may; to use, with, by means of
queer, LGBT+; relative clause marker; raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails, cacomistles
raccoons, weasels, otters, skunks, red pandas; spiky, sharp, angle, point, triangular
fruit, vegetable, mushroom; indeed, too, also, as well; split, cut, slice, sever
sharp; cat; hard object, metal, rock, stone; clay, clinging form, dough, semi-solid, paste, powder
to speak a non-Toki Pona language in an environment where Toki Pona is more appropriate
air, breath, essence, spirit; animacy, life, autonomy; to notify, to let know
hidden reality, unseen agent; autonomous being, living thing, organism; guard, protect, defend, shield, brace, fortify from outside
alive, animate, dynamic; colorful, pigmented, painted; LGBT+
to animate, to bring to life; casual expression of appreciation or acknowledgement; community, company, group, nation, society, tribe
cool, fine, okay; six; laughter, chuckle, laugh, comedy, humor
ear; between the context phrase and the main sentence; sleeping, resting
to hear, listen; blue, green; head, mind
pay attention to, obey; take, seize, catch, receive, get; to control, direct, guide, lead, own, plan, regulate, rule
stairs, square, block, corner, cube; cloth, clothing, fabric, textile; zero; cold, cool
cover, layer of privacy; uncooked, raw; between any subject except mi alone or sina alone and its verb
to introduce a new verb for the same subject; to agree; collection, assortment, menagerie, arrangement, handful, harvest
with laughter; seven; little, small, short; long and flexible thing
few; a bit; young; cord, hair, rope, thread, yarn
line, connection; flat object; before the prepositional phrase
network, internet, connection; book, document, card, paper, record, website
weave, braid, interlace; red, reddish; limb; six
located at, present at, real, true, existing; arm, hand, tactile organ
affirmative response; touch/feel physically, interact, press; five
eye; woman, female, feminine person; parent, ancestor; caretaker, sustainer
look at, see, examine, observe, read, watch; capybara; sapphic, lesbian, wlw
I, me, we, us
outdoors, world; look for, seek; door, hole, orifice, window
(pre-verb) try to; earth, land; money, cash, savings, wealth
old, aged, ancient; question particle modifier; creator, originator; country, territory
soil; middle, medium, mediocre; man, male, masculine person
gay, mlm; rat, mouse, squirrel, rabbit, rodent; husband
neither one not the other, neither fully is nor isn't; medicine, medical; to eat, drink, consume, swallow, ingest; dead, dying
a squishy animal; wife; back, behind, rear; fear, dread; animal noise or communication; moon, night sky object, star
snail, slug, or sponge; artistic, entertaining, frivolous, playful, recreation; animal noise or communication; many, a lot, more, much, several, very
monster, predator; indicates thinking, pondering, recognition, agreement, or humming; pizza; embellishment, spice; extra, additional
ordinal number; glow, glowing light, light in the dark; unusual, strange; threat, danger
way, custom, doctrine, method, path, road; numbers; relationship, correlation, commonality; silly
quantity; four; transparent material/object, lack of privacy; bump, button, hill, mountain, nose, protuberance
that, this; name, word; meow, feline sound; cross, knot, junction, intersection; three (or more), 20
foot, leg, organ of locomotion; new; five; to make clear, to make transparent, to remove obstructions; to overlap, to fold
newer; drunk, intoxicated; hey!; acknowledgement or acceptance; boomer, Baby Boomer, inconsiderate elder
clear, transparent, unobstructed; eye, ocular, visual; to overstep, to exceed to a point; love, have compassion for, respect, show affection to
vocative, imperative, or optative; goodbye, farewell, see you later, eat a good fish; sarcasm, irony; bottom, lower part
dream, daydream, imaginative play, vision, mystical state; interjection/insult; begin, start; totalitarian
interjection; botched, broken, damaged, harmed, messed up; stop, cease, halt; ten; bruh
do, take action on, work on; long hard thing; open; cereal, grain; give, send, emit, provide, put, release
twenty; good, easy; to block the way, to interrupt; brother, sister, sibling; expression of disbelief, exasperation, or excitement
to entrance; eight; green, greenish; negative five; turn on; used to divide a second noun group that describes a first noun group
to prevent; electric, electronic, conductive, mechanical, online; fuck
electricity, lightning, thunder, network; heart (physical or emotional); branch, rod, stick; black, dark, unlit
verdant, alive; car; build, make, prepare; ago, completed, ended, finished, past; bug, insect, ant, spider; annoy, annoyance, bothersome, boring
four; hip, side; container, bag, bowl, box, cup, cupboard, drawer, vessel; bowling pin; barley, corn, oat, rice, wheat
effective, useful, give good results; good, positive, useful; introduces a genitive noun
unreal, false, untrue; simple, relaxed, peaceful, uncomplicated; pretend; fluffy, soft, squishy
feeling (an emotion, a direct experience); bread, pasta; same, similar; wanting to create new words
friendly, peaceful; three; each other; next to, nearby, vicinity; ecofriendly; four
deceive, trick; simple; fire; outer form, outer layer
question-word; along with (comitative), beside; area above, highest part, something elevated; body (of person or animal), physical state, torso
something that can be compressed and will try to go back to its original shape; round or circular thing; on a higher tier/plane, enlightened, epic
cooking element, chemical reaction, heat source; new, fresh; you; sibling, peer, fellow; face, foremost, front, wall
image, picture, representation, symbol, mark, writing; fungus, fungi; bark, peel, shell, skin; know, be skilled in, be wise about, have information on
left, left side, port side; animal, beast, land mammal; ball, circle, cycle, sphere, wheel; as, like; yes/no question marker
big, heavy, large, long, tall; awe-inspiring, divine, sacred, supernatural; sun; boundary; horizontal surface, thing to put or rest something on
additional, another, extra; to an exceedingly great extent; platypus; sweet, fragrant; of one year
seven; sticky, magnetic; by, from, because of; but, however; (pre-verb) know how to; going to, toward
particle introducing a quote; right, right side, starboard; water, liquid, fluid, wet substance
important; time, duration, moment, occasion, period, situation; focus, attention, concentrate, resolution, fineness; communicate, say, speak, talk, use language, think
indoor space; light, brightness, glow, radiance, shine; non-binary, gender-non-conforming; two; three
adult; amaze people by being on the top of the leaderboard of a toki pona game; have sexual relations with; origin, cause
purple; cute, innocent, adorable; magic, sorcery; light source
mouth, lips, oral cavity, jaw; particle closing a quote; only; for
focus on; battle, challenge, compete against, struggle against; interjection, indicating awe or amazement; bond, attract, attach, clip
context, topic, salience, pertinent, topical, pertain to, be relevant; white, whitish; beverages; enchant; light-coloured, pale
from the perspective of; unique, united; bird, flying creature, winged animal; strong, powerful
separate, cut; confident, sure; trans, non-cisgender; something that appears to break the rules but doesn't
moving; acts as a transition from one complete sentence to another; absent, away, ignored; we; building, home, house, room
must, need, require, should, want, wish; magical, supernatural, occult, incomprehensible; to revise your old creative works and actually make them worse; (pre-verb) going to
one; energetic, intense; leave and come back, be temporarily absent with the expectation of returning; faux edginess, provocation

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
use markov::Chain;
mod toki;
mod nimi_sin;
fn main() {
let nimi_sin = nimi_sin::pali(4);
println!("{}", nimi_sin); //o pali e nimi sin
markov(); // o pali e kon pi nimi sin ni
println!("{}", toki::pali(&nimi_sin));
fn markov() { // pali e nimi sin kepeken ilo Mako.
let mut mako = Chain::new();
mako.feed_file("nimi").expect("lipu li lon ala a");
println!("{}", mako.generate_str());

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
use rand::Rng;
pub fn pali(i: u8) -> String {
let mut npsa = rand::thread_rng(); //ni li pali e nanpa pi sona ala (npsa)
let mute = npsa.gen_range(1..i); //suli nimi la ken mute li lon
let mut x = 0;
let mut nimi_pini = 'x'; //nimi 'x' li ken ala lon la ni li nimi_pini lon open
let mut nimi_sin = String::new();
while x < mute {
let mut nimi: char;
if rand::random() || x > 0 {
loop {
nimi = nimi_w();
if nimi_pini != 'n' { break; }
if nimi != 'n' && nimi != 'm' { break; }
nimi_pini = nimi;
loop {
nimi = nimi_e();
if nimi_pini != 'w' && nimi_pini != 'j' && nimi_pini != 't' { break; }
if nimi_pini == 'w' && nimi != 'o' && nimi != 'u' { break; }
if (nimi_pini == 'j' || nimi_pini == 't') && nimi != 'i' { break; }
if rand::random() {
nimi = 'n';
nimi_pini = nimi;
x += 1;
fn nimi_w() -> char {
let kulupu_nimi = ['w', 't', 'p', 's', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'n', 'm'];
fn nimi_e() -> char {
let kulupu_nimi = ['e', 'u', 'i', 'o', 'a'];

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
use rand::Rng;
pub fn pali(nimi_sin: &str) -> String {
let nimi = ["akesi", "ala", "alasa", "ale", "anpa", "ante", "awen", "esun", "ijo", "ike", "ilo", "insa", "jaki", "jan", "jelo", "jo", "kala", "kalama", "kama", "kasi", "ken", "kepeken", "kili", "kiwen", "ko", "kon", "kule", "kulupu", "kute", "lape", "laso", "lawa", "len", "lete", "lili", "linja", "lipu", "loje", "lon", "luka", "lukin", "lupa", "ma", "mama", "mani", "mi", "moku", "moli", "monsi", "mu", "mun", "musi", "mute", "nanpa", "nasa", "nasin", "nena", "ni", "nimi", "noka", "olin", "ona", "open", "pakala", "pali", "palisa", "pan", "pilin", "pimeja", "pini", "pipi", "poka", "poki", "pona", "pu", "sama", "seli", "selo", "seme", "sewi", "sike", "sin", "sina", "sinpin", "sona", "sitelen", "soweli", "suli", "suno", "supa", "suwi", "tan", "taso", "tawa", "telo", "tenpo", "toki", "tomo", "tu", "unpa", "uta", "utala", "walo", "wan", "waso", "wawa", "weka", "wile", "tonsi", "ku", "epiku", "jasima", "kijetesantakalu", "kin", "kipisi", "kokosila", "lanpan", "leko", "meso", "misikeke", "monsuta", "monsuta", "namako", "oko", "soko"]; //nimi pi ku suli
let nimi_ante = ["kepeken", "sama", "tan", "tawa", "lon"];
let mut x = 1;
let suli = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0_u8..5);
let mut nimi_suli = String::new();
let mut mi_anu_sina = false;
let mut nimi_sin_li_lon = false;
loop {
if x == 2 {
if rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0_u8..10) == 0 {
nimi_suli.push_str("o ");
} else if !mi_anu_sina{
nimi_suli.push_str("li ");
if x == 3 {
nimi_suli.push_str("e ");
if x == 4 {
nimi_suli.push_str(" ");
let mut y = 0;
let suli_kipisi = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(1_u8..4);
while y < suli_kipisi {
let nimi_ni = nimi[rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0..nimi.len())];
if (nimi_ni == "mi" || nimi_ni == "sina") && suli_kipisi == 1 {
mi_anu_sina = true;
if (rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0..4) == 0 || (x+1 == suli && y == suli_kipisi-1)) && !nimi_sin_li_lon {
nimi_sin_li_lon = true;
} else {
nimi_suli.push_str(" ");
y += 1;
if suli_kipisi-y > 1 && rand::random() {
nimi_suli.push_str("pi ");
x += 1;
if x > suli { break; }